Looking for a rebounder?
Here are a couple of excellent ones. They are my affiliate links. We try to put put good information to give you an idea as to what to buy. While I cant give you my whole detox program without charge, the rebounder is something which you must have in order to mobilize the lymphatic system 100% so you remove toxins effectively and efficiently. It does this with 100% efficiency.
So if you feel you might like to take your health state to the next level here are a couple of excellent choices.
Dave Hall's Cellersize
It is an excellent rebounder. It made to withstand a lot. You can fold it up. Mine lasted me 18 years and I used it a lot. I Still have it. It needs a new mat, springs, feet, but it still works and I still use it outside. It is so tough, it lives up to what I say here. But the bounce is excellent and this rebounder is well worth the extra cost. Dave Hall has also been in the business at least 25 years and really knows his stuff. He designed this rebounder with triple action springs, a patented design. I find this also lives up to it's hype. If I want a rebounder that I can beat on, run on, take outside on the porch, to the gym or to a point lookout, this is the rebounder for that. You will get at least 10 years of of this device without any maintenance issues.
Dave Hall makes probably the most expensive rebounder I list but his I still think is the best value. Everybody can use it, it is a beat down rebounder that can take an extreme amount but holds its value and wear.
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Kensone Bungee Cord Rebounder
This is an excellent rebounder for the price. It comes in a couple of sizes, 40 and 48". It has a stabilizing bar so people with disabilities can use it freely without the help of a wall to lean against with one hand or arm... This is particularly good for someone who is starting rebounding as a stabilizing bar can make a big difference with some people who are beginners or people who are using it for their disease and self care. So this rebounder comes equipped with that. It also has a covering skirt which prevents your feet from getting caught or lodged in the bungee cords if you are having a great hyper active workout on your rebounder. All rebounders are pretty well silent. But the bungee cord one lives up to its name of whisper quiet. It is also reasonably priced. This rebounder will last a couple of years without any maintenance, the need for the bungee cords, mat or the rubber feet to be replaced.
BCAN Bungee Cord Rebounder
The Bcan bungee cord rebounder is pretty well the same as any bungee cord model. It will give you 2 years of bouncing without having to replace the mat or bungee cords and it is also well designed. The difference between a Bcan and a Kensone is minor I believe. All bungee cord rebounders are basically the same outside a Bellicon. While the price difference between a bungee cord rebounder and a Bellicon bungee cord rebounder is small, the price is huge! If you wish you can investigate Bellicon, but for the price I don't recommend Bellicon rebounders as I think what I list here is adequate. I have a simple bungee cord rebounder I use in the house like this.
CLORIS Foldable Portable Trampoline, 40 inch Max Load 400 lbs

The Cloris rebounder or a rebounder like this I DO NOT recommend. But it is so cheaply priced and probably works minimally well, enough to convince people it is OK when they are on it. It might be OK, or OK for a while. The problem I have with this rebounder is the spring loads on it. They are incorrect in my opinion. With this rebounder, you get what you pay for as I think the springs are very cheap and will wear with a heavier person faster and/or if you really use it hard like I would the same thing will happen to the springs... They will wear fast. I am not buying everything they sell here but it is your choice. I list it as some people will want it regardless of what I write.It is probably OK for a while, 3 to 6 months. But I also still question the bounce the cheap springs give also.
The Darchen bungee cord rebounder is again pretty well the same as a Bcan or Kensone. The difference is a Darchen rebounder shown here might be a bit better priced but you will have to check it out. Some rebounders come with a skirt to cover the bungee cords, others do not. Some rebounders have a stabilizer bar included, some can have it as an add on. But I list this one as a couple people I know have it (it is currently my go to rebounder in doors) and I figure I will get 1 to 2 years of use out of it without changing out the mat or springs. It is pretty easy to assemble, takes about 1.5 hours or 2. Some other bungee cord rebounders are pre-assembled as opposed to this one. So it drops the price slightly. Your choice....
Darchen Bungee Cord Rebounder

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