My name is Dave Scrivens. I have been certified in lymphology for 20 years now. I have written articles for Vitality Magazine, Yoga Magazine, The Well Being Journal of America, the Canadian National ME/FM association.

I like lymphology as it is my natural immune system weapon.

Things I have had in my life time are prostate cancer 8 years ago, obesity at age 33 til age 40, then I lost 65 lbs in 3 months. Currently the underlying cause of THESE two health issues, the prostate cancer being verified in my medical records, is something called lymphatic filariasis.

I have had this lymphatic system disease for at least 20 years now. I have kept it at bay with lymphology and body detox. But it caught up with me 40 months ago due to a heavy work load, other factors. Many trips to the hospital revealed nothing. Recently, after a virtual call with the top doctor for the Appletree medical clinic in Ottawa we figured out what this disease I have is. My doctor said, finally, it all makes sense.

So currently, I am waiting on an appointment with and infectious disease control specialist at the TOH in Ottawa, On. 30 days now.

My doctors notes read the following...

Supposedly I am supposed to interface with the IDC specialist, talk about the lymphatic system, suggest how a disease can move in this system, head to toe, quite quickly in the body. How it can cause a lot of problems in the human body. How, by mobilizing the lymphatic system with rebounders, a body detox like a lymphologist can do, undressing how body detox affects everything doing the right combination of body detox and also not doing too much as this disease is really self defeating in the human body. How by having a "clean" lymphatic system the cells in my body are way healthier as the lymph fluid is also clean and therefore cellular feeding gives food to the cells without a lot of "dirty" mixed in with the food as the lymphatic system also cleans the human body. If your body is dirty and needs a detox, this fluid is dirty which means your cellular structure does NOT have good and proper access to good nutrition. It gets some.

Things like this. Anyway I will also be posting the transcript of this virtual call with my Appletree doctor, when I get it from Appletree, EOM.

Currently I have regained 85% of my health I figure from maybe 30%? over 40 months ago. See the video on my home page. If you can say I was not sick.

I have holistic certifications in anatomy and physiology, yoga.

I have seen a small amount of people for disease, gave them interesting thoughts to think about and let them decide if they wanted to proceed. All I do is give holistic knowledge, educational knowledge on the lymphatic system, as a lymphologist. If the client seems to like what I suggest, we move forward to conquer their disease. I give people informational and educational knowledge on the lymphatic system from my experiences as a lymphologist as well as being certified in it for 20 years.

I am also one of the original engineers or architects of the Canadian Internet. Part of a team which built the original Canadian Internet.

I have 2 engineering certifications from Algonquin College.


Dave Scrivens.