Detoxify Your Body Today with Us

Discover the Benefits of Body Detox and Lymphatic System Mobilization with The Detox Guy

Transform Your Health with Our Services

People of all ages can use the rebounder. There are 3 different levels of bouncing. Microbouncing, mid level and fitness workouts. So don't let the pictures fool you... Let us educate you further.

Certified in Lymphology, Yoga, Anatomy & Physiology

Lose 65 lbs in 3 months with our "PROGRAMS"

20 years later, still skinny... You can never be too rich or too skinny...

The Detox Guy: Your Health Solution

We educate you on body detox, lymphatic system mobilization, and the importance of cleansing for overall health. Learn how to remove toxins, pollutants, and waste material from your system for a healthier you.

Cleanse Your Body Naturally
Boost Your Immune System

At The Detox Guy, we provide valuable information on complete body detox and the benefits it brings to your overall health. Take control of your well-being and start your detox journey with us today.

The Cleveland Clinic is the #1 facility for health and innovative health in North America. They KNOW their stuff, we feel. In fact we cannot find very much at medical related facilities or institutions which matches our thoughts regarding lymphology, and how the lymphatic system is absolutely critical to your health. But it is. It is as critical to your health as your nervous system, your circulatory system, respiratory, skeletal, musculoskeletal, integumentary, endocrine, immune, etc.. Systems. It is also as vast and extensive in your body. As you age, your body takes on a heightened toxic load. If you lighten this toxic load, you have better health and WAY less disease.

See their take on this critical system. We borrowed a video from them. Simplistic yet excellent, this video is.

Lymphatic Filariasis has existed in Canada, since 1972. It is a disease that disables the lymphatic system, slowly. What does this mean for your immune system? How important is the lymphatic system to the immune system??

Detox Benefits Education

Learn about body detox benefits and lymphatic system cleansing for improved health.

Key to Health Education

We can teach you how to cleanse properly. An example of our work is weight loss. We have clients who have lost 65 lbs in 3 months.

Disease Prevention Tips

Your immune system and lymphatic system are critically linked therefore it is important that one supports the other. Otherwise your immune system is severely compromised and because of this and it leaves your body open to disease and any disease. We can teach you how to fix your health issues by helping you restore your lymphatic system, a key cornerstone to your health.

Complete Body Detox Guide

We use rebounders and body detoxification/cleansing techniques to help you remove YEARS of built up and stuck toxins from your body.

NASA Studies Rebounding... Sodium Potassium Pumps... The lymphatic system is a critical overall bodily system, as vast and extensive and also IMPORTANT as your circulatory, respiratory, nervous, immune, skeletal, connective tissue, etc systems. Ever heard of any of these 3 statements? They are critical to your overall health. Do you think with the proper knowledge regarding this and other things you do not know regarding your health that we can help you? Have you ever heard of this before? Why have you never heard of all of this and more? How do I detox my body properly? These are some of the keys we bring to your overall health and wellbeing. Internet rabbits holes are just that. If Mary had a little lamb and the little lamb was given to her aunt and then the little lambs little lambs were given away to someone else, that little lamb got a disease, haley's African tonic helped, and then the story got out, that might be an internet rabbit hole... All we do at the detox guy is point out the obvious and allow your to investigate further. If you think we are in error regarding ill health and the possible causes of it, you are more than welcome to leave our site. If you think we could have valuable knowledge and would like to know more please enquire...

I had epilepsy, night seizures for 11 years. The detox guy helped me loose my seizures, I have been seizure free for 12 years now..

M. Millears

woman lying on white bed
woman lying on white bed


I have had MD for many years. After 45 minutes of weeding my garden, my hands got sore and I had way less energy. After working with the detox guy, I was able to do 2 hours of weeding and felt way less sore all over. As well my energy levels hold much better than before. Lymphology is my natural immune system weapon.

Mr. Knocks


For lymphology, detox, body cleansing and overall health I highly recommend the detox guy...


Miranda T. Davis, Doctor of Naprapathy, Manual Osteopath, Certified Advanced Roller;

I know of the detox guys work and the significance of the lymphatic system. The detox guy is an excellent resource for health and body detox, cleansing, fitness, immune system boosting, wellness, more...



The detox guy is extremely talented as a lymphologist. Their programs offer unique, valuable and helpful knowledge, which gives unmatched health benefits...


Darwin Lerance

Contact Us

For inquiries about body detox and lymphatic system cleansing, reach out to us today.